10. GIZ goes to BCN The Czech boys from Gizmania spent a week in Barcelona, Spain. They enjoyed the good weather and filmed a beautiful video. Capturing some heavy tricks on the VX. Featuring: Ivan Tuček, Johan Walzel, Kristián Albrecht, Jára Mini Soukup and David Šenkýř. 9. Gleb Kozak - Welcome to TRUST Here is another great video from Russia. Gleb Kozak shredding crusty streets and smooth marble. Refreshing to watch. The Russian scooter scene is wild. 8. Sanoussi Diarra - 2021 Sanscoot with a nice video filmed all over Paris, France. That ender is insane! 7. Julien Rota -Welcome to Ethic Flow Julien is a super talented kid, who can shred in the streets and in the park. Can't wait to see more of him. 6. 100K On The Odometer - Kinetic Another full length video by the Kinetic Crew from California. Great job by Alex Lopez behind the lens and everyone else innvolved. Featuring: Alex Lopez, Blake Hayward, Brody Broumand, Zach Poon, Chin Bossler, Eric Perez, Cars...
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