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Top 10 Scooter Videos September


Here are the best Videos of September 2020. Enjoy! 

10. Evan O'Toole - GREYWATER

Evan's Part from the new Greywater Full-length-video by Will Rosati. Riding the crustyest spots of Philly in style. You can order the "GREYWATER" DVD here: bilie.bigcartel.com

9. Will Scott - Into the Darkness

Celebreating 7 Years with Envy, Will decided to film this banger of a video in just 6 weeks in Brisbane, Australia. Some of the rails are way too gnarly.

8. Grant Kleppinger - TSI

Grant is the latest addition to the TSI family. He is one of the creative riders out there, doing stuff no one else even thinks of. 

7. Jattic

Great Video by Anthony Aguirre showcaseing how much fun riding in New York is. All the boys are shredding the Streets of the Big Apple.

6. Volare - Cashed

The Boys from Volare staying busy in the streets all over the US. Great to see some more New York footage. This new video by Dakota Knight is another piece of art. 

5. Mike Hohmann - Aztek

Mike can do it all, big gaps and rails, while also going technical. The manny manuvers are just insane!

4. Trendkill - RESURGENCE

Resurgence is a collaboration by Trendkill and the Concrete Crew. In a year of total chaos they came together to ride, film and explore the concrete wasteland of the Bay Area, producing this wonderful video.

3. Reece Doezema - Ethic

Only Reece can film a 12 minute Video full of Bangers in just 2 Months. This kid is too good for this planet. Watch out for the switch trick. Also great work by Rudy Garcia filming this one.

2. Maxime Bouzid - AO

This Signature Deck Promo is gnarly. Maxime hitting big stuff, like that 50 rail, but also does some super technical tricks. That manny railride is too good!

1. Forest

Badger isn't just shredding on the scooter, but also behind the camera and the laptop with his filming and editing. Forest ist an overall great full-length-video with a lot of cool tricks and fantastic vibes. Well deserved "Video of the Month".


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