Blake Bailor is back with some signatur moves. No one does Briflips better than him. We should call them Bailorflips now!
9. Boris Germain - Flavor 2019
Stoked to see a new video from Boris. Coming back from an injury is always hard, but it is part of scootering. Very inspirational!
8. Alex Montserrat
A beautiful video by Alex and Denes Tarczy. The edit is so much fun to watch. So many refreshing tricks. Denes artistic aproach to editing and filming highlights Alex style perfectly. This video shows why scootering is art.
7. Dylan Morrison - AO 2019
Dylan shows that he can also shred the streets. Love the speed he has in every clip. Great job by Matteo Mencuccini filming with him in Barcelona and editing the video. The last trick is so insane.
6. Devin Szydlowski - BCN
Another video by Matteo Mencuccini. Devin shredding the best place on the world for street scootering, Barcelona. The combination of his riding and the spots of BCN make a wonderfull video.
5. Jake Sorensen - Aztek
Jake is the newest edition of the Aztek Team. In his "Welcome to" Edit he showcases that he his one of the best who ever touched a scooter. Most of the stuff he does looks so unreal!
4. Kai saunders - Native
Kai has been killing it for Native since he joined the team. With his new video he is promoting his golden signature deck. Featuring plenty of crazy 5050s and other insane tricks. Saundezy is just one of the most productive and talanted riders out there.
3. Ethic - Six Month Later
Ethic filmed with there whole team for six month all around the globe to produce this great full-length-video. Rudy Garcia behind the lens providing us with the best footage. Crazy to think they filmed all of this in just half a year.
Featuring: JD Rand, LeBaron, Will Barlow, Alexis Letelier, Axel Germain, Ugo Leonce, Elliot Arnold, Auguste Pellaud and Nick Tedrick.
2. Evil - Y2K
A crew of heavy hitters, all with diffrent styles, new spots that never been touched by scooters and many crazy tricks, that is Y2K. Another masterpiece from EVIL. Parrish did a fantastic job filming and editing this video. Also doing some heavy tricks himselfe. Hugo with the best flat-trick ever. Real quality content!
Featuring: Zack Martin, Hugo Svare, Luis Oppel, Jon DeVrind, Parrish Isaacs, Mark Williams and Ryan Ruegg.
1. Basis Export
The boys from Berlin did it again, with the help of Ben Klein and Tobias Mayer they published another full-length-video. The groupe of five traveled from Berlin over Prag to Vienna where they spent a few weeks including a short trip to Bratislava. Fabian Müller did a great job filming and editing the video. Everthing is so fluid, it transports the right vibes, feels like the viewer is part of the session, every full-length should be like that. A true celebration of Scootering in Central Europe. This is the "Video of the Month"
Featuring Full Parts of Fabian Müller, Ben Klein, Tobias Mayer, Jonatán Lörincz and Tom Holubowski.
Here are the best scooter videos of July 2021. Sorry for the delay. 10. Caleb Eldridge - Brother Scooters Caleb Eldrige is a Local from Dallas, Texas who got picked up by Brother Scooters back in 2020. Since he joined he filmed for this videopart. His first video and what a way to introduce himself. Great Tricks, big gaps and gnarly spots. 9. Ivan Jimenez - Tenerife Blunt Chills is the new video series by Blunt Scooters. The first Video features Ivan in Tenerife, Spain. Enjoing good spots and even better weather. 8. Elliott Arnold - 2021 Everyone knows Elliot Arnold is gnarly. But to remind you here is a heavy video from the man himself. 7. Zack Martin - ZM3 Zack Martin is back with a new Video. Promoting his new Hella Grip Signature Griptape. The graphic is inspired by his new home of New Mexico, where he also filmed most of the footage. The first trick is just beautiful. 6. Olaf Zolna - Welcome to Elite Olaf Zolna from Poland is the latest addit...
Here are the best videos of September. Enjoy! 10. Alexis Porcial Letellier - Recovery 1/2 After 2 years of multiple injurys Alexis Porcial Letellier is finally back. He put a lot of work in his recovery a true exemple of determination, and love for scootering ! 9. Gun Shy - Covet Gun Shy is a video from the Canadian Crew Covet. All the boys shred and Jacob Bruno put together a beautiful video with a great vibe. 8.Tommy Dang - Noodle King A masterpiece by Tommy Dang to kick of his new brand Oriento Scoot Culture. This video has everthing a great parkvideo needs. Good filming, good editing, upbeat music, stylish tricks and some super technical bangers. Those bodyvarials must be so hard. 7. Trial and Error Love Svensson got his first camera this spring. Everyone who films knows it is a lot of trial and error at first. But at the end he filmed a wonderful montage of the Scandinavian scooter scene. Can't wait for his next project. 6. Mexican Trip - Ethic The Ethic Team...
Hallo! Stell dich am Besten zuerst in zwei/drei Sätzen kurz vor. Tschau zämme! Mein Name ist Andreas Bünzli, viele kennen mich unter dem Namen Wonder-Crab. Komme aus Zürich, Schweiz und fahre 6-7 Jahren Scooter. Also hast du 2013/2014 begonnen. Wie bist du zum Scooterfahren damals gekommen? Und woher kommt der Name Wonder Crab? Ich kam zum Scooterfahren durch einen Freund, den ich in der Sekundarstufe kennengelernt habe. Hatte damals noch kein Hobby und es gefiel mir von amfang an bis heite :) Der Name Wonder-Crab besteht aus 2 Teilen. Das Wonder kommt von der DC Heldin Wonder Woman und passte so gut weil beim Scooterfahren fliegt mal auch mal auf Maul und das auch sehr hart, wenn ich nicht verletzt war war das ein Wunder. Und ich bin Fan von Wonder Woman :) Das Crab kommt von Krabbe. Die könnten genau wie jedes andere Tier „normal“ laufen, also gerade aus, jedoch sind die so cool, dass sie dachten: „ne Bro ich laufe seitwärts“ und beim Scooter fahren stehen wir alle ja auc...
10. GIZ goes to BCN The Czech boys from Gizmania spent a week in Barcelona, Spain. They enjoyed the good weather and filmed a beautiful video. Capturing some heavy tricks on the VX. Featuring: Ivan Tuček, Johan Walzel, Kristián Albrecht, Jára Mini Soukup and David Šenkýř. 9. Gleb Kozak - Welcome to TRUST Here is another great video from Russia. Gleb Kozak shredding crusty streets and smooth marble. Refreshing to watch. The Russian scooter scene is wild. 8. Sanoussi Diarra - 2021 Sanscoot with a nice video filmed all over Paris, France. That ender is insane! 7. Julien Rota -Welcome to Ethic Flow Julien is a super talented kid, who can shred in the streets and in the park. Can't wait to see more of him. 6. 100K On The Odometer - Kinetic Another full length video by the Kinetic Crew from California. Great job by Alex Lopez behind the lens and everyone else innvolved. Featuring: Alex Lopez, Blake Hayward, Brody Broumand, Zach Poon, Chin Bossler, Eric Perez, Cars...
Bericht von Moritz Bader: Treffpunkt des Jams 2018 war ein DIY-Ditchspot irgendwo im nirgendwo von San Diego um 12.30 Uhr . Die Infos hatte ich von der Insta-Seite von The Scooterfarm die wie jedes Jahr den Jam organisierten. Als ich ankam waren schon unglaublich viele Fahrer da. Im Ditch gab es mehreren Spots zum Fahren, eine Quarter , ein A-Frame-Ledge und eine Flatrail . Obwohl dies eigentlich nur die Spots zum Aufwärmen waren, hauten dort manche Fahrer schon Tricks raus, die ich mir Nichtmal vorstellen konnte. Nach einiger Zeit kündigte JonDevrind (der Moderator des Jams) an, dass Devin Szydlowski etwas verrücktest vorhat. Daraufhin machte er einen der krankesten Drops, die ich je gesehen habe. Über dem Ditchspot verläuft eine Autobahnbrücke , von der er in die Bank des Ditches dropte. Das war der Abschluss des DIY-Spots und alle Rider fuhren zum nächsten Spot, der fast direkt daneben war. Hier gab es Quartes, Wallrides und Banks zu fahren. Vorallem die extrem ...
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