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Tomasz Dudek - Interview

This months Interview is with Tomasz Dudek, a scooter rider and filmer from Poland. I found it very interesting to here about the scooter community in his country. Enjoy!

Just to get the Interview started some basic questions. Where you from? How old are you? Goofy or Regular? When did you start riding?

I'm from Piaseczno, it's like 20 km from the city center of Warsaw. I'm going to be 21 in July. Right foot always in the front, so goofy. I have been riding for nearly 6 years.

So how did you start scootering?

Scootering caught my eye because of my friend. He had MGP VX2 Team Edition. He let me try and after a few pushes I knew that's the thing what I want to do.

Nice, did you ride anything before like BMX or skateboard?

I have been trying to skate, but I didn’t have that zeal, so I quit really fast.

I see, so scootering was just more fun. What was the scene like? Back in the days when you started?

The scene was quite small. It wasn’t really popular sport in Poland in 2012.
One thing which I remember the most was a polish scooter forum. We were helping each other with new tricks, talking about new scooter vids and things like that. It sounds like a typical group on Facebook, but it was completely different and it's impossible to describe it in words.

Cool to hear the community sticked together so good and how is the scene now? I imagine it got quite bigger.

It is a lot better, but still the scene is quite young. We don’t have many older riders. The 95% of community are children, but many of them are doing really good and I hope that I will be proud of them in the future.
I work in a scootercamp. I'm organizing some time for kids at summer holiday. That's the best work I have ever had. You're spending two weeks, at the one of the sickest place on the Earth, making friends with pro riders all over the world and having fun together with kids.

The Sport is pretty young so it is normal that there aren’t many old rides, but i think it gets better and better. It feels like the culture is really growing.

It sounds like a dreamland. And it also looks like one!

Was it the first year the camp took place?

It wasn’t the first time. Camp has 5th edition in 2017 and we already started preparation to coming season.

Cool, glad you found such a good job, what are you doing when you don’t do scootercamps?

I'm studying IT. Being a great programmer, that's my career goal for now. That's finally the moment when you're only learning things that you're interested in.

Sounds like a plan. Are you the oldest of the group you riding with or are the about the same age as you?

I have older friends in my crew.

Tell me more about your crew.

It's something special for me. We’re spending time together not only with scooters. When you're doing something with good morale, it's giving you even more fun. That's how my crew works, we're bringing on each other

Awesome to hear that you not just Scooter together, does your crew also have a Name?

Of course. We are Kapros! Don't ask me why, it's quite random, but it means goat in some ancient language. We are keeping everything around goats.

Your editing is also on goat level. So i can assume most of the riders in your latest video (smogcity) are goats or in other words they are part of the kapros crew?

Yeah! Exactly.

What was the idea for the video and how was the process of filming?

I organized scootcamp promo trip for my friends. That's why we went to another city. I recently bought the vx2100, because that's the type of video what I like, and I just wanted to create something. I spent more on filming then riding, definitely.

I also love the VX look. So your video shows more the Street side of the trip and the promo one is more compromised.

So how is riding in Poland in the Winter?

There aren’t much indoor spots unluckily. Most riders have to vegetate whole winter.

When you have no indoor Winter is really shit, sadly we also don't have one in Vienna.

But i saw in one video you have a DIY in an abounded building

That’s pretty sick.

Yeah, it looks good on vid, but it needs renovation. It's quite old one. We are going to make some new obstacles here on spring.


Do you guys have any trip plans and/or video plans for 2018?

I'm thinking about the place to go for us. I don’t know where but definitely we will have for a trip soon!
I record some clips with my friend Marcel recently. I think that I will upload it next week.
Additionally I know that I will record some clips on Rotterdam Street Jam! I would really like to say thanks to my friend Henk, that he invited me to his place. I'm really pleased!

Looking forward to the video.

You going to the Rotterdam jam, I am jealous! I need to travel more.

Traveling is a tough one unfortunately. You have to have a lot of free time and a lot of money.
Come to our camp on summer!

Yeah time is a big issue, especially when you get older and you have other things like Uni to do. Money depends on where you travelling, if you do it right it can be cheap. 
I would love to visit Poland, I never been there. And the camp really looks like a dreamland. I have to try and manage to visit your camp in the summer.
I really would like to visit your town. I hadn’t been traveling with scooter outside the Poland, so Rotterdam will be my first opportunity!

Yeah you should. Vienna is a pretty good City for Street riding.

Any other plans for the future, regarding scootering?

I don’t want to jinx it, but I definitely want to travel more. Hmm, what is more, I'm trying to organize first Warsaw street jam. I already started preparation for this event.
I also have a hope that I will be able to record one long scooter vid on 2018.

Awesome to hear a New Street jam might come! And I hope you are able to film more videos, I enjoy your editing style.

Any more last words?

Thank U! I'm really pleased, that u contacted me, for every good word. It's really motivating! Talking with U was great.
I would also say thank U to all my friends, without whom I wouldn't be doing all this stuff connected with scootering!

Thank you, for taking the time. It was a pleasure. And very interesting to hear about the polish Scooter community.


Dies war mein erstes Interview in Englisch. Ich hoffe, es war kein Problem, dass ich es nicht übersetzt habe. Persönlich finde ich es besser die Interviews in Orignalsprache zu veröffentlichen. Falls es aber gewünscht wird, kann ich für das nächste internationale Interview auch eine deutsche Übersetzung schreiben.


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