Here are the best Videos of December 2019. Enjoy! 10. Blake Bailor Blake Bailor is back with some signatur moves. No one does Briflips better than him. We should call them Bailorflips now! 9. Boris Germain - Flavor 2019 Stoked to see a new video from Boris. Coming back from an injury is always hard, but it is part of scootering. Very inspirational! 8. Alex Montserrat A beautiful video by Alex and Denes Tarczy. The edit is so much fun to watch. So many refreshing tricks. Denes artistic aproach to editing and filming highlights Alex style perfectly. This video shows why scootering is art. 7. Dylan Morrison - AO 2019 Dylan shows that he can also shred the streets. Love the speed he has in every clip. Great job by Matteo Mencuccini filming with him in Barcelona and editing the video. The last trick is so insane. 6. Devin Szydlowski - BCN Another video by Matteo Mencuccini. Devin shredding the best place on the world for street scootering, Barcelona. The comb...